Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I am a Woman And I am Not Ashamed

My gender was determined before I even came to this earth. I was given a woman's emotions, a woman's perspective, and then a woman's body. This does not mean that I was in some way slighted! It is a gift. And I am proud of it. 

There has been a lot of talk lately about the ordination of women to the priesthood and its been weighing on my mind pretty heavily, so I decided to share my opinions. 

For those of you that claim to have testimony of the Gospel of Christ yet demand to be made equals, in my mind, are losing sight of what your testimony really means to you. Let me explain....

In "The Family A Proclamation to the World" (http://www.lds.org/Static%20Files/PDF/Manuals/TheFamily_AProclamationToTheWorld_35538_eng.pdf) it reads that, "Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose." Meaning that us woman have always been women, and always will be women. That is not to degrade us, or demean us. This is a sacred, holy, and ETERNAL characteristic. It is part of our identity and purpose! If men and women were exactly the same- there would be no need for partnership or collaboration. We would already see things and think of things the same. But God saw fit to make us different, and yet equal in qualities and attributes we bring to the table. 

We have all heard of the phrase, "He/she is my other half" or something similar. But if we really take a look at what that means- it means that you were not complete without your other half. You were not your full potential without your spouse. We are all capable of SO much individually, but when we bring a man's point of view, emotions, and body together with a woman's point of view, emotions, and body- we are capable of SO MUCH more! 

"By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners." 

This separation of responsibilities is not sexist. It is simply dividing and conquering in areas we are best at. Areas that we were preordained and blessed to be good at. As women, we are given bodies that are capable of bringing new life into this world. And that is no simple task! I have had the privilege of carrying, growing, birthing, and nurturing a precious daughter of God and know that it is NOT an easy task. But it brings the most love I have ever known into my heart and the sweetest memories and adventures into my life. It is a huge responsibility with great reward.

As the years have come and gone, women continue to pursue their place in the working force, to prove themselves equal, to fight for their rights, to break that "glass ceiling". This has become very empowering to us as women. We have accomplished so much in so little time, when you look at the big picture. But are we pushing too far? Yes. I say yes. To demand that we be ordained with the priesthood, in my humble opinion, is going too far. 

I am not saying that we be content to sit at home and twiddle our thumbs while raising children all our lives, but that we accept and use the gifts we've been given to be the best that we can be, combined with those of our spouse. Because together, we are better than when alone.

The men in our lives work hard and strive to be the best priesthood leaders they can be for us and for our families. But you don't see them running around demanding to be given the right to bring life into this world so that they can do it all on their own. No. There is a reason responsibilities are split. It's so that we can collaborate and work together in harmony. It is so that we don't become prideful and so self-reliant that we forget God. 

The Gospel is not all fact and things aren't always cut and dry, but that is what Faith and Prayer are for. And if you lack faith- pray for it. God will help us realize our true potential. And when we gain testimony of these simple things, all else falls in place. 

Let's not forget who you are really protesting and demanding rights from here. It's not the prophets and apostles. It's not your husbands or fathers. It's God. And when you look at it that way- I'd rather not take any chances. God knows what He is doing and it is our responsibility to have faith and endure to the end. And by enduring, I intend to enjoy my life and make the most of the gifts that I have been given combined with the gifts my husband has been given.