Saturday, January 21, 2012

Miracles or Evidence of Faith and God's Power

Matthew 8:1-4
Miracles of the Lord: Healing the leper of his disease
Who Demonstrated Faith: The Leper
Matthew 8:5-13
Miracles of the Lord: Healed a sick child without even seeing or going to her
Who Demonstrated Faith: A Centurion
Matthew 8:14-15
Miracles of the Lord: Healed a fever/sickness
Who Demonstrated Faith: Peter's wife's mother
Matthew 8:16
Miracles of the Lord: Casting out the devils from many people
Who Demonstrated Faith: The ones who brought the possessed to Christ
Matthew 8:23-27
Miracles of the Lord: Commanded the wind and the seas to be calm
Who Demonstrated Faith: Christ did, because his disciples did not have enough faith to do it themselves
Matthew 9:20-22/ Mark 5:25-34
Miracles of the Lord: Healed a blood disease of a woman who simply touched him
Who Demonstrated Faith: The woman with the blood disease
Matthew 9:27-31
Miracles of the Lord: Healed the blind man
Who Demonstrated Faith: The blind man
Matthew 2:1-12
Miracles of the Lord: a new star to light the way to Christ, warned the wise men not to go back to herod
Who Demonstrated Faith: the wise men
When I look at all the many incredible miracles that the Lord has performed, I am amazed. How could one be so powerful? It increases my respect and humility. I know that God can accomplish whatever it is that He wants. I know that he can help me when I need it- if I have enough faith. All of God's miracles happen on basis of faith. I must continually strive to increase my faith so that I will be ready when I am in need of a miracle.

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