Saturday, March 26, 2011


In 2 Peter chapter 2 he warns us against false prophets and gives us signs and characteristics to look for in them. Some of those signs and characteristics include worldy, lusting after uncleanliness, despise government, not afraid to speak evil, adulterous, unable to cease sin, and seek out the "unstable souls". These are just a few of the many things seen in false prophets and wicked men. We must watch carefully and judge prayerfully- seeking wisdom from God to know who is truthful and who is not.
Peter goes on to say that we must "escape the pollutions of the world" through the gospel of Christ. But, he warns us too that we will be worse off if we then return back to the ways of the world after having a testimony of the gospel of Christ. It is as if we know the rules and disobey willingly, as opposed to someone who disobeys without even knowing the rules. Therefore, we must watch ourselves and remember to act in a way that is in accordance with what we have learned through the scriptures, church, leaders, and personal revelation. In this way, we may be spotless before God at the last day.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Faith without Works is Dead

Faith requires work. There is nothing else about it. You cannot simple say "I believe" and think all is well. The Lord requires action on behave of our faith. We ACT on the gospel BECAUSE of our faith, or to strengthen our faith. Matthew 7:21 says, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." it is those that DO the will of God, that will be received unto God. We DO because we have faith. James chapter 2 is all about faith and works combined. In verse 17 he states, "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." In verse 26 he also says, "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." We must act on our faith to prove to our Father in Heaven that we believe in that which we cannot see and that we obey because we trust him.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Works of Righteousness

"Let brotherly love continue." We never know who we are really in the company of when in the company of a stranger. There have been many stories about people who unknowingly assisted an angel in disguise. Why not treat everyone as an angel in need of assistance. We all suffer so we all need to help each other through it.
Marriage is looked up as an honorable thing. In this age and time I think its meaning has degraded to nothing more than a friendship. We need to remember the sacredness of it.
As for covetousness, we need to just be grateful for the things we DO have instead of dwelling on those we dont. Those who covet put material things above the Lord and need to remember what is more important in life. The Lord will not stand for coveters.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever. He is ever constant in all that he does.
We have been sanctified through the blood of Christ, and no other way is sufficient. We owe our lives and our salvation to Him. We can never repay him.
We all live under the rule of others. There is always someone who is watching over us (Parents, Spouse, Family, Friends, etc.) We need to be obedient and joyful, that we may stand righteous at the last day.
Paul asks the people to pray for him. I find that interesting because he is an apostle of the Lord, you would think that he's got it all. He's as spiritual as they come. But he is also still human, and still needs the Lord's strength and mercy to be great. We need to remember our leaders in our prayers so that might have the spirit to be with them to give us the instruction we need when we need it

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Epistle of Obedience

Titus was converted to the gospel by Paul somewhere along his first or second mission to Antioch. Titus was a missionary and helper for Paul. Paul sends him a letter telling him that his duty had been in Crete to set up the church and to organize and ordain elders in every city. Paul must have had lots of faith and trust in Titus to leave him up to organize the church and ordain leaders.
So basically, Titus was a bishop in Crete. In Paul's letter to Titus he outlines to duties and characteristics of a bishop: calm, charitable, hospitable, loving all men, sober, just, holy, temperate, and faithful. This is the kind of man that has been left to teach the people of Crete. Paul goes on to talk about the faults of the people in Crete that Titus is in charge of, saying they are vain, unruly, dishonest, and teaching false doctrine for "filthy lucre". Paul advices Titus to rebuke the people and bring them back to righteousness.
Paul tells Titus to preach to them the things that become sound doctrine, the basic principles. He says that the aged will be humble and sober, they will be faithful, charitable, and patient. The aged will be able to teach the young and set examples for them.
We too sometimes get impatient with people who do not just listen, but we must remember that we have all had to find our own testimony at some point in our lives and that the Lord had mercy on us. We must have mercy on them, they will learn, and we must help them. For it is by the Lord's grace that we will be saved, after all we have done to prove our faith.
It does not help to ask foolish questions that don't have any real meaning to the plan of salvation or the gospel. There is no point asking our selves doubting questions when they don't really matter. They are only a ploy of Satan to distract us from the real importance and our faith. We must follow the commandments and laws with faith and an eye single to the glory of God.