Saturday, March 26, 2011


In 2 Peter chapter 2 he warns us against false prophets and gives us signs and characteristics to look for in them. Some of those signs and characteristics include worldy, lusting after uncleanliness, despise government, not afraid to speak evil, adulterous, unable to cease sin, and seek out the "unstable souls". These are just a few of the many things seen in false prophets and wicked men. We must watch carefully and judge prayerfully- seeking wisdom from God to know who is truthful and who is not.
Peter goes on to say that we must "escape the pollutions of the world" through the gospel of Christ. But, he warns us too that we will be worse off if we then return back to the ways of the world after having a testimony of the gospel of Christ. It is as if we know the rules and disobey willingly, as opposed to someone who disobeys without even knowing the rules. Therefore, we must watch ourselves and remember to act in a way that is in accordance with what we have learned through the scriptures, church, leaders, and personal revelation. In this way, we may be spotless before God at the last day.

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