Saturday, March 12, 2011

Works of Righteousness

"Let brotherly love continue." We never know who we are really in the company of when in the company of a stranger. There have been many stories about people who unknowingly assisted an angel in disguise. Why not treat everyone as an angel in need of assistance. We all suffer so we all need to help each other through it.
Marriage is looked up as an honorable thing. In this age and time I think its meaning has degraded to nothing more than a friendship. We need to remember the sacredness of it.
As for covetousness, we need to just be grateful for the things we DO have instead of dwelling on those we dont. Those who covet put material things above the Lord and need to remember what is more important in life. The Lord will not stand for coveters.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever. He is ever constant in all that he does.
We have been sanctified through the blood of Christ, and no other way is sufficient. We owe our lives and our salvation to Him. We can never repay him.
We all live under the rule of others. There is always someone who is watching over us (Parents, Spouse, Family, Friends, etc.) We need to be obedient and joyful, that we may stand righteous at the last day.
Paul asks the people to pray for him. I find that interesting because he is an apostle of the Lord, you would think that he's got it all. He's as spiritual as they come. But he is also still human, and still needs the Lord's strength and mercy to be great. We need to remember our leaders in our prayers so that might have the spirit to be with them to give us the instruction we need when we need it

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