Saturday, February 25, 2012

Earthly and Heavenly Rewards

In Matthew 19 Jesus tells the rich man that to enter into the kingdom of God he must give all that he has to the poor and come follow Him. The man walked away because he could not bring himself to give up all that he had. But if we do give up all and follow him, we will be blessed with everlasting life and much more.
Based on what the Savior said is required of us to inherit the kingdom of God it would help us to keep focused if we remember that the blessings that await us if we do what the Lord has asked far outweigh the riches and worldly possessions that we could accumulate in this life.
WHen we serve in the Lord's kingdom he will bless us according to our work and efforts. No more and no less. But he treats everyone the same. Everyone receives the same blessing and the same rewards. Converts to the church can be comforted by the thought that the Lord treats everyone the same. And will bless them just the same as those who have been members all their lives. And for those who think it is unfair for everyone to be paid equally, they just have to come to love others and understand how the Lord works. If they could do that, it wouldn't be such a big deal to them. LIke if they have children, they want their children to all receive good things in their life and ultimately return to God's presence, even if they have made bad decisions in life.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Lord Appointed Other Seventy Also

Jesus called the seventy disciples to go be missionaries! They even went in pairs! He instructed them to go without food or money and that they would be provided for wherever they went as long as they were doing the Lord's work. The were given power to do miracles and they had much success.
Luke 10:1-2 explains exactly what we do now! We send out missionaries in pairs to preach the gospel and bring the truth to all who will listen! Then again in Luke 10:8-9 The missionaries don't take a lot with them and they are fed by those who are willing to feed them. And in Luke 10:17-20 The missionaries today also have great power to do many miracles in the name of the Lord. They report back to their mission presidents as well. ALl of these things point to our Article of faith 6.
In Luke the Lord calls for the seventy and then again in D&C 107 they are ordained and given authorities and powers as the apostles.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Become as a Little Child

Christ says that we are like little children because we do not yet understand the blessings and plans of our Father in Heaven. He goes on to say in D&C 78:18 that, "I will lead you along". He will help us when we falter and lose our way. But we must also help ourselves by being humble and faithful. In Mosiah 3:19 it says that we must, "yield to the enticings of the spirit" which means to listen and obey what the spirit tells us. We must learn to control our desires and temptations. We have to exercise restraint, faith, and repentance. To become like a little child means to be "submissive,meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father." And so we can see that children are great examples for us. Children are full of love, submissive, etc. To be like a child is to be christ-like and to do so will bring us many blessings and rewards from our father in heaven.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Walking on the Sea

When Christ's disciples first saw Him walking on water they were afraid and confused. They thought he was a spirit or some kind of vision. Which kind of baffles me after they have spent so much time with Him and have seen him perform countless miracles! Why not walk on water? But once Christ identifies himself, Peter at once shows his faith by saying, "Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water." This shows how faithful and devoted Peter was to Christ. He knew that if Christ wanted him to come unto Him, that it would be possible. And no one of little faith would have been able to accomplish this- walking on water. In Matthew 14:30 Peter's faith wavers as he sees all the big waves around him and it scares him- who wouldn't be afraid?! We all falter from fear once in awhile. So Peter calls out to Christ to save him. The best part is that Christ "IMMEDIATELY" lends a hand to Peter to save him from drowning. So, how did Peter walk on water? In D&C 88:67 it reads, "And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things." So we must have our lives centered on Christ and remember to glorify God in all things. We too must to this to be able to get through the storms of life. We may not ever be faced with walking on water- but we all face challenges where our faith is tested and how we will handle it? Hopefully with faith!