Friday, February 17, 2012

The Lord Appointed Other Seventy Also

Jesus called the seventy disciples to go be missionaries! They even went in pairs! He instructed them to go without food or money and that they would be provided for wherever they went as long as they were doing the Lord's work. The were given power to do miracles and they had much success.
Luke 10:1-2 explains exactly what we do now! We send out missionaries in pairs to preach the gospel and bring the truth to all who will listen! Then again in Luke 10:8-9 The missionaries don't take a lot with them and they are fed by those who are willing to feed them. And in Luke 10:17-20 The missionaries today also have great power to do many miracles in the name of the Lord. They report back to their mission presidents as well. ALl of these things point to our Article of faith 6.
In Luke the Lord calls for the seventy and then again in D&C 107 they are ordained and given authorities and powers as the apostles.

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