Saturday, February 25, 2012

Earthly and Heavenly Rewards

In Matthew 19 Jesus tells the rich man that to enter into the kingdom of God he must give all that he has to the poor and come follow Him. The man walked away because he could not bring himself to give up all that he had. But if we do give up all and follow him, we will be blessed with everlasting life and much more.
Based on what the Savior said is required of us to inherit the kingdom of God it would help us to keep focused if we remember that the blessings that await us if we do what the Lord has asked far outweigh the riches and worldly possessions that we could accumulate in this life.
WHen we serve in the Lord's kingdom he will bless us according to our work and efforts. No more and no less. But he treats everyone the same. Everyone receives the same blessing and the same rewards. Converts to the church can be comforted by the thought that the Lord treats everyone the same. And will bless them just the same as those who have been members all their lives. And for those who think it is unfair for everyone to be paid equally, they just have to come to love others and understand how the Lord works. If they could do that, it wouldn't be such a big deal to them. LIke if they have children, they want their children to all receive good things in their life and ultimately return to God's presence, even if they have made bad decisions in life.

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