Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Savior Anointed

In Matthew 26:6-13 and in Mark 14:3-9 there is a story of a woman who anoints Christ's feet with a precious and expensive ointment. Christ explains that she did this because of how she felt for Him. She knew how precious and important Christ was and showed it by cleansing His feet in a very precious oil. Mark 14:8 implies that she knew He would die for her sins, all of their sins. That she was reverencing Him. Some of the disciples felt she wasted the oil and were upset about it probably because they didn't think of something so good. They probably took for granted a little bit that they walked and talked and ministered with Christ, the Son of God. They probably felt ashamed that they did not also show such reverence for Him as this woman showed.
This woman's act was worthy of praise and remembrance because she was the one that recognized that Christ would not be with them much longer physically and she wanted to do something for Him that showed thanks, reverence, faith, and love. This woman is an example to me because she showed great love and respect for the Savior in a tangible way. Not many of us can do that. She was in tune with the spirit enough to know that she had to take advantage of the time she had with Christ to make it count. Just like on this earth we need to make the time count for something so that we can show Christ that He did not die in vain for our sins.

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