Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Last Days of Jesus' Mortal Mission

Day One: Jesus arrived to Jerusalem and was greeted with the people laying down palm branches before him as he rode on his donkey. He went directly to the temple. He was probably tired from the journey but He had his priorities set and went straight to the temple first before resting.
Day Two: He went back to the temple first thing in the morning and saw that it was being used as a trading center and drove them all out. It was a direct challenge to the authority in place, but Christ knew that the sanctity and purity of the temple must be kept and so he enforced it.
Day Three: The leaders confronted Christ and asked why and by what authority He had done the things the previous day. Christ denounced them as true leaders and called them hypocrites. The leaders discuss what to do about him and how to get rid of him. One of Christ's disciples decides to turn him in.
Day Four: Not really known- But Christ knows of the plot for His death.
Day Five: Jesus performed the passover meal where He identified His betrayer and prayed over the first sacrament. From there He went to the Garden of Gethsemane where he prayed to be delivered from the pain that was to become Him. But it did not. Judas then lead officials to Jesus who took him to an unfair and illegal trial.
Day Six: Jewish leaders sought to charge him on both blasphemy and sedition based on the fact that He had called Himself the "King of the Jews" and the "Son of God". He was sentenced by the people and was crucified. He later gave up His spirit to the Lord and was taken down off the cross for burial.
Day Seven: Jesus body remained in the tomb but His spirit ministered in the realm of spirits.
Day of Resurrection: Christ rose and appeared to Mary and other disciples.

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