Friday, January 28, 2011

The Impact of Example

In 1 Corinthians 4:2 Paul outlines the requirements for servants of the Lord. Paul says that you must renounce any dishonesty, never try to be sneaky or deceitful. You must also manifest the truth and always stand as a witness of God. He then goes on in this chapter to basically say that the apostles and prophets and disciples have been selected to stand as examples for the world. But I think it goes much further than that. I think we too as ladder day saints have been selected to stand as examples for the world. It is not enough just to know and believe. We must act upon our beliefs. In Alma 39:11-12 he talks about how we must watch our actions because we never know who may be impacted by what we say or do. We could have lasting effects on someone without even realizing it. Then in 3 Nephi 8:1 we read that by living according to the ordinances and principles we believe in, we will be blessed and given miracles beyond imagination. I know that by stepping up to the calling of standing as a witness will greatly bless anyone who takes the challenge. I hope that I can be more like Paul and devote more of my life to living the way God would have me live. I know that by so doing the Lord will bless me and protect me from evils.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Counsel for Members

While reading through 1st and 2nd Thessalonians I came up witha list of attributes that Paul advice the members of the church to improve upon.
-love one another even as the Lord loves you
-abstain from fornication
-sanctify and honor your bodies
-endeavor in good works earnestly
-be honest
-always be prepared- not lazy
-edify one another
-comfort the feebleminded
-support the weak
-be patient with all men
-pray without ceasing
-give thanks to God always
-listen to the prophets
-abstain from all appearances of evil
-increase your faith
That's a lot of things to be told to improve upon. But one thing that I noticed while making this list is that this list has been the same for generations and generations! It is still the same list today that we are asked to continually work on. None of these should come as a surprise to anyone!
There are a couple of these attributes that stand out a little more than the rest to me. First is to sanctify and honor your body. 1Corinthians 3:16-17 says, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of Gof dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are." So how can I santify and honor my body? By following the word of wisdom found in D&C 89. I can be more careful about what I expose my body too- both in environment, food, people, etc. You would not watch an inappropriate movie in the temple or on holy ground or subject yourself to bad people or environments. I need to be better about the things I watch on TV or in movies. Not that I watch anything terrible, but sometimes I think we get desensitized to things that perhaps we should really stear clear of.
Second one that stood out to me was to pray without ceasing. "Without ceasing" sounds like a TON of praying to me! But I think it's more than just being on your hands and knees in constant prayer. Having a prayer in your heart can be just as effective. I need to be better about this one. I think that I need to be better at saying my prayers morning AND night. Because then it will help me remember throughout the day what it is my goals are and what it is I need help with. I'm going to try to be better about this one.
The third one was to endeavor in good works earnestly. I think I'm a fairly good person, but what does that even mean in the eyes of the Lord. What makes me a good enough person to enter into the Kingdom of God in the next life? I need to go above and beyond the ordinairy kindness. If someone is lost, dont just point in a general direction, but walk with them. If someone is hungry, dont just give them some of my meal, buy them their own meal! If someone is sad, don't just give ask if they are okay, but stay and listen. There is so much we can do as humans, yet we hold back when it comes to strangers. But we need to remember that even the most distant stranger is still a loved child of God who deserves some respect and kindness. Good works come in all types. But if I could just start by going above and beyond the usual kindness each day at least once- I think that's a start!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Paul's First Mission

First of all, can I just say that I LOVE Paul/Saul's story! He is such a great example to us all! How he went from being anti- to full-time missionary overnight, basically! It's so great!
Now, in Acts 13-14 we read about Paul's first mission! He starts out in Antioch on the east side of the Mediterranean Sea and then travels to the island Cyprus to preach to Salamis and Paphos then on to the Northern Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, Lystra again, Antioch again, and back home.
Throughout Paul's mission he had plenty of reasons to be discouraged and to give up but in Acts 13:1-5 he gained strength from fasting and praying. We are advised time and time again in the scriptures that we will be blessed and strengthened for fasting and praying with intent and purpose. Paul's story is only one example of the hundreds in the scriptures. They are such great examples to me.
Now Paul, like all missionaries, had a companion whose name was Barnabas. Barnabas was a levite and when he heard the gospel of Christ he sold all his possessions and gave all the proceeds to the church! How amazing is this man's faith! If we had faith like Barnabas, there would be far fewer problems in this world! Even though Barnabas was never ordained as an apostle, he was very much regarded as one (Acts 14:4, 14). Barnabas was faithful, loyal, devote, and hardworking. All the qualities of a good mission companion.
There is a story in Acts 14:8-18 thats tells of a certain incident in Lystra where Paul and Barnabas healed a man that couldn't walk and when the people found out about it they believed Paul and Barnabas to be Gods and wished to make sacrifices unto them! In verse 14 it reads, "Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people crying out," When Paul and Barnabas heard about the sacrifices I get the feeling they were shocked and distressed about the mistake these people were making. Here they are trying to show the people miracles of God and stand as witness of God and the people think that they ARE God. But they are humble and righteous men and were able to turn the focus back to Christ and God.
That incident is on one fanatic side of the spectrum. On the other extreme side we have an incident were Paul is stoned for his preachings and thrown out of the city- supposedly dead. What a difference! Luckily by the grace of God, he lived and went on to preach in Derbe with Barnabas.
One principle that Paul taught (acts 14:22) was that, "we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." As I've been rehearsing to you, Paul didn't have the easiest of missions. There were some really hard times. But he was able pull through and become and more faithful and steady apostle of the Lord. It's a good thing he had Barnabas with him also to help him out and give support. I know that my trials have never been this extreme, but that each one is a lesson from God that I must learn from and come away a better person. That is my choice that I make and I know that I will be a better person for it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Vision Of Peter

An angel of God appeared to Cornelius to tell him that His prayers have been heard and to send men to Joppa to find Peter who would tell them what they should be doing. He must Have been a very righteous man to have had an angel appear to him to give him instruction! Wouldn't it be nice if we all could get this once in awhile :)
Meanwhile, Peter has been praying to the Lord and during his prayer he sees a vision where the Lord tells Peter to kill and eat of an animal that Peter deems unclean. At first, Peter is surprised and refuses to partake of any unlcean animal. This happens three times and the vision is lifted. Peter is confused and unclear about the meaning of the dream. Wouldn't we all? It's hard to break patterns we've forever followed. I think Peter was confused as to whether this dream was literal or open for interpretation. Spiritual things can usually be interpreted in different ways. It would be a bit daunting to have to interpret such an important vision from God.
Just as Joseph Smith recieved a vision three times, so did Peter. I though this point was very interesting! The number three occurs many times in scriptural and spiritual references. Three visions, three witnesses, three in the presidency of the church, three in the God Head. I think that this vision to Peter, as was the vision to Joseph Smith, was repeated 3 times to be sure that they heard right, to be sure they understood, and to be sure they wouldn't forget! Repetition is the best way to remember things.
When Peter is then taken to Joppa to see Cornelius he says, "Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean." (acts 10:28) It is here that Peter understands the meaning of the dreamand that it is the Lord's will that Peter should preach unto this household and to not judge them by their nationality, race, ethnicity, etc. A little further in the chapter in verse 34 Peter says, "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." God does not segregate us. We are all His children and we all have the right to receive His truth and gospel.
When the Jewish Saints heard the thing that Peter had done, they were shocked! But after Peter explained to them all that had happened they were filled with the spirit and accepted that it was now time to take the gospel to the gentiles. They had great faith to follow Peter and do things they had thought unclean all their lives. What a blessing it is to have living Prophets on the earth to guide and direct us in these last days! I am so greatful for their guidance!