Friday, January 7, 2011

The Vision Of Peter

An angel of God appeared to Cornelius to tell him that His prayers have been heard and to send men to Joppa to find Peter who would tell them what they should be doing. He must Have been a very righteous man to have had an angel appear to him to give him instruction! Wouldn't it be nice if we all could get this once in awhile :)
Meanwhile, Peter has been praying to the Lord and during his prayer he sees a vision where the Lord tells Peter to kill and eat of an animal that Peter deems unclean. At first, Peter is surprised and refuses to partake of any unlcean animal. This happens three times and the vision is lifted. Peter is confused and unclear about the meaning of the dream. Wouldn't we all? It's hard to break patterns we've forever followed. I think Peter was confused as to whether this dream was literal or open for interpretation. Spiritual things can usually be interpreted in different ways. It would be a bit daunting to have to interpret such an important vision from God.
Just as Joseph Smith recieved a vision three times, so did Peter. I though this point was very interesting! The number three occurs many times in scriptural and spiritual references. Three visions, three witnesses, three in the presidency of the church, three in the God Head. I think that this vision to Peter, as was the vision to Joseph Smith, was repeated 3 times to be sure that they heard right, to be sure they understood, and to be sure they wouldn't forget! Repetition is the best way to remember things.
When Peter is then taken to Joppa to see Cornelius he says, "Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean." (acts 10:28) It is here that Peter understands the meaning of the dreamand that it is the Lord's will that Peter should preach unto this household and to not judge them by their nationality, race, ethnicity, etc. A little further in the chapter in verse 34 Peter says, "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him." God does not segregate us. We are all His children and we all have the right to receive His truth and gospel.
When the Jewish Saints heard the thing that Peter had done, they were shocked! But after Peter explained to them all that had happened they were filled with the spirit and accepted that it was now time to take the gospel to the gentiles. They had great faith to follow Peter and do things they had thought unclean all their lives. What a blessing it is to have living Prophets on the earth to guide and direct us in these last days! I am so greatful for their guidance!

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