Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Paul's First Mission

First of all, can I just say that I LOVE Paul/Saul's story! He is such a great example to us all! How he went from being anti- to full-time missionary overnight, basically! It's so great!
Now, in Acts 13-14 we read about Paul's first mission! He starts out in Antioch on the east side of the Mediterranean Sea and then travels to the island Cyprus to preach to Salamis and Paphos then on to the Northern Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe, Lystra again, Antioch again, and back home.
Throughout Paul's mission he had plenty of reasons to be discouraged and to give up but in Acts 13:1-5 he gained strength from fasting and praying. We are advised time and time again in the scriptures that we will be blessed and strengthened for fasting and praying with intent and purpose. Paul's story is only one example of the hundreds in the scriptures. They are such great examples to me.
Now Paul, like all missionaries, had a companion whose name was Barnabas. Barnabas was a levite and when he heard the gospel of Christ he sold all his possessions and gave all the proceeds to the church! How amazing is this man's faith! If we had faith like Barnabas, there would be far fewer problems in this world! Even though Barnabas was never ordained as an apostle, he was very much regarded as one (Acts 14:4, 14). Barnabas was faithful, loyal, devote, and hardworking. All the qualities of a good mission companion.
There is a story in Acts 14:8-18 thats tells of a certain incident in Lystra where Paul and Barnabas healed a man that couldn't walk and when the people found out about it they believed Paul and Barnabas to be Gods and wished to make sacrifices unto them! In verse 14 it reads, "Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people crying out," When Paul and Barnabas heard about the sacrifices I get the feeling they were shocked and distressed about the mistake these people were making. Here they are trying to show the people miracles of God and stand as witness of God and the people think that they ARE God. But they are humble and righteous men and were able to turn the focus back to Christ and God.
That incident is on one fanatic side of the spectrum. On the other extreme side we have an incident were Paul is stoned for his preachings and thrown out of the city- supposedly dead. What a difference! Luckily by the grace of God, he lived and went on to preach in Derbe with Barnabas.
One principle that Paul taught (acts 14:22) was that, "we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God." As I've been rehearsing to you, Paul didn't have the easiest of missions. There were some really hard times. But he was able pull through and become and more faithful and steady apostle of the Lord. It's a good thing he had Barnabas with him also to help him out and give support. I know that my trials have never been this extreme, but that each one is a lesson from God that I must learn from and come away a better person. That is my choice that I make and I know that I will be a better person for it.

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