Friday, January 28, 2011

The Impact of Example

In 1 Corinthians 4:2 Paul outlines the requirements for servants of the Lord. Paul says that you must renounce any dishonesty, never try to be sneaky or deceitful. You must also manifest the truth and always stand as a witness of God. He then goes on in this chapter to basically say that the apostles and prophets and disciples have been selected to stand as examples for the world. But I think it goes much further than that. I think we too as ladder day saints have been selected to stand as examples for the world. It is not enough just to know and believe. We must act upon our beliefs. In Alma 39:11-12 he talks about how we must watch our actions because we never know who may be impacted by what we say or do. We could have lasting effects on someone without even realizing it. Then in 3 Nephi 8:1 we read that by living according to the ordinances and principles we believe in, we will be blessed and given miracles beyond imagination. I know that by stepping up to the calling of standing as a witness will greatly bless anyone who takes the challenge. I hope that I can be more like Paul and devote more of my life to living the way God would have me live. I know that by so doing the Lord will bless me and protect me from evils.

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