Tuesday, February 8, 2011


In Romans 6 Paul talks a lot of baptism and coming unto Christ. He says that we must forsake sin and "walk in newness of life" before being baptized. Paul makes several analogies to baptism and events in Christ's life. The first analogy was of Christ's resurrection and of how Christ was buried and then raised again from the dead. So are we baptized to leave behind sin and be lifted again unto new life. The second analogy was of Christ's crucifixion and how "the body of sin might be destroyed" so that we can be free from sin and worldly things. In both of these examples the ENTIRE body undergoes change. This is exactly why we must be baptized by immersion and not just by sprinkling. Christ was not sprinkled with dirt to be buried, nor was he sprinkled with blood and agony. He was immersed in it. So are we to be immersed by water to symbolize being "born again". So how can we maintain the "newness of life"? We must remember that we are the rulers of our lives and we must not let our lives be overrun by sin. We must remember also what Christ has done for us. According to Mosiah 3:19 the natural man must be put off in order to live according to the gospel of Christ and be baptized.
We can know whose servants we are by the choices we make and the things we allow to run our lives. When we allow sin to run our lives we are servants to Satan. But when we can break free from sin and live righteously we are servants to the Lord. Being binded by sin is no way to live. We may have agency to choose which path to take, but when we choose sin we are bound by the crippling effects of sin. When we choose sin over righteousness, we stop our ability to grow spiritually. True freedom is to choose righteous living and have the opportunity to receive eternal life.

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