Saturday, February 26, 2011

Life's Challenges

Sometimes people argue and complain over petty matters in church meetings or throughout the week. Paul would counsel those to love others as Christ does and to esteem others higher than yourself. Be humble and charitable towards others. It doesn't matter what others say to us, but what we do about it.
Many youth lean on the testimonies of their parents as enough for them. Paul would say that each of us must, "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" so that we might shine as a light before others. We must figure out our own salvation. You cannot get by to the celestial kingdom with the faith and testimony of a parent or friend. Each must strive for salvation and exaltation individually.
An investigator is considering joining the church, but his family will no longer associate with him if he does. This would be one of the most terrible decision to have to make. Family is the most important unit on this earth and to have to choose between family and the gospel... it would be so hard. But the gospel is true no matter what, even when your family may be wrong. Paul says we must put our faith in Christ and not look to the past, but to the future. He also says that through faith in Christ, He will give us the strength we lack to accomplish His will. The Lord will give us strength to do that which we find unbearable.
There are many life situations in which we need to turn to the Lord, and if we will just open the scriptures and read the gospel, we will find answers to any of our dilemmas, crisis, pain, joy, troubles, etc.

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