Saturday, February 19, 2011

Live As Saints Should Live

In Romans 13:11 it says that "now is our salvation nearer than when we believed". Based on that scripture we can all be worried that the end is coming and we wont be prepared. So, what can we do to be prepared? As members of this church we are given the tools and knowledge to make it to the celestial kingdom. We have been instructed to live obediently and endure to the end so that we might be able to receive salvation and exaltation.
Paul gave many examples of what would help bring us to salvation. He said to keep our bodies holy, as an offering unto God. Be in the world, but not of the world. We need to "renew our minds" to what is good and acceptable to the Lord. We need to let love fill our lives and our actions. Giving service and kindness to those in need. Uplift and help others on the same path to reach the same goals you are. We need to be humble and remember who is the Almighty. Do good always and do not stand in debt. And then of course, to keep the commandments of God.
In Romans 14 and 15 Paul cautions the members from judging others. We are not the eternal judges of others, God, the Father, is. We are all equal in God's love and we all deserve respect and love. We need to treat each other as God would. By doing this, we avoid the wrath of God, and we gain greater understanding of God's love for us. Paul cautions that whatever standard we judge others, is how we will be judged in the end. People may have different opinions and practices, but it is important to remember that we are all children of God and we are all here for the same purpose, to return again to our Father in Heaven.
Repeatedly, Paul refers to us as saints. What are you doing today to be a true latter day saint?

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